IronBend 2024

December 13, 2024

The New IRONBend Automatic Cell at EuroBlech 2024

Building on its solid experience in the design and construction of punching and bending systems from coils, IRON presented the new IRONBend Automatic Cell at EuroBlech 2024, an innovative bending cell that stands out from the solutions currently available on the market.

The solution proposed by Iron represents a middle ground between the robotic bending cell and the classic sheet panel bender. This solution offers numerous advantages, such as:

Cycle times are significantly lower compared to traditional bending cells, as it is not necessary to flip the sheet to make negative bends. Productivity is increased by approximately five times.

The system is equipped with advanced CAD-CAM software, which allows the development of the panel's work cycle, verifies any collisions, and immediately provides the cycle time of the individual panel. The panel bender is fully electric, with all movements managed by brushless motors, whose functionality is ensured by a Sinumerik 840D CNC that guarantees maximum performance and flexibility. The system operates without the need for constant operator supervision, requiring intervention only for loading the pallets containing the sheets to be bent.

Compared to the classic panel bender, the IRONBend Automatic Cell has a significantly lower cost, on average 40% less. Great effort has also been made to reduce the cell's dimensions, requiring only 25 square meters.

Another important aspect is that Iron customizes its systems according to customer requests, providing solutions that fully meet production needs.

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Società con unico socio
Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v.
Registro Imprese TV – C.F. e P.IVA: IT04188760260
R.E.A. TV 330275
COD. MECC. TV 054072

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