Customized sheet metal processing lines


Customized sheet metal processing lines

Punchpress Bender

These installations are dedicated to panel production for various sectors, including armored doors, electrical carpentry, metal furniture, elevators, window frames, etc., utilizing coil as the raw material.

How our sheet metal bender works

The sheet metal bender system comprises multiple technological solutions, starting with a group for uncoiling and straightening the coil. The straightened strip is then punched using an electrically operated turret that holds up to 34 tools of various sizes and is equipped with A-B-C-D-E tools.
The punched strip is then cut to size by an electric shear.
The metal sheet, punched and notched, is transferred to the Panel Benders via a series of conveyor belts, where it is bent on all four sides by four paneling units. These units, working simultaneously, drastically reduce production time.
The entire system is managed by two CNC Sinumerik 840D and an industrial PC for supervision and 4.0 interface to the plant server, alongside an internet network connection for remote assistance service. This setup manages all twenty-eight axes of the system, Leading to significant performance enhancement, reducing the sheet’s production time by four times. This high productivity does not compromise flexibility, ensured by the automatic management of all adjustments. The system can operate with minimal supervision; a Cartesian system with a suction cup gripping mechanism enables the unloading and stacking of panels on multiple pallets.

For additional details, please see our brochure.

Via E. Fermi, 20 / Via Ungheresca Nord, 9 - 31010 Mareno di Piave (TV) IT
+39 0438 492390
Società con unico socio
Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v.
Registro Imprese TV – C.F. e P.IVA: IT04188760260
R.E.A. TV 330275
COD. MECC. TV 054072
Società con unico socio
Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v.
Registro Imprese TV – C.F. e P.IVA: IT04188760260
R.E.A. TV 330275
COD. MECC. TV 054072

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